Terms and Conditions

Yes, Its true that I will do free Laser scanning services to only those persons who will just send me a Wish Card or any Postal Card.... and This Wish card is the price of scanning...
Beside this I love to scan and help others those do not have laser scanning apparatus or those who can not afford High service prices of their model to be scanned....

1- i can't buy the object to scan it for you, you have to provide the object.
2- You have to borne the shipment charges if you want to send me or getting it back.
3- I am not liable to any damage to the part.
4- if the part is available in my locality, i will just ask for Fair price to purchase and scan free for you.
5- If it is household item i will scan free for you (if it is in my house) and send you mesh model.
6- I will send you MESH model in STL or OBJ format only.
7- The part to be scan should not be from Atomic power plant, Weapons etc
8- If the object is Transparent, translucent, shiny and dark.. I have to apply fine powder on it.. The cost of powder and consumables will be bared by the member...
9- I have the right to display the scanned pictures on my blog-sites
10- The scanned Model will be my property But I will never share/distribute the model to anyone without the permission of real owner of the model
11- Don't send the Back-shipment cost in envelope. Just contact me at my following email address

Friday, October 1, 2010

Case Study- Scanning of Metallic Carved Horse

i have a metallic horse with fine carving details... To test and improve my laser scanning setup i put this horse into practice: Following were the goals of this case study:
1- To determine How minute details i can get on such shiny metallic objects
2- To adjust parameters Hardware as well as software to achieve my goal
3- To do a Planeless scan and merge

A Fine powder spray was done on the Horse to make it dull but in such a way that the details can be viewed with the webcam... My Laser is mounted on 1:256 Gear box that is driven with stepper motor... I am using DIY SLA7062M based stepper driver that can run the stepper motor in 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 micro-steps ... To get the fine details at 800 x 600 camera resolution and 150mm calibration scale using green line laser i changed the microstep mode from 1/2 step to 1/16 steps.. Now I have resolution of (200 x 16x 256 =819200 pulses per one complete rotation i.e.0.000439 degrees/step ). This resolution is fine enough to get the Horse details from 3meters distance from the Webcam...However i have kept the horse about 300mm far  from the Camera ...Following are 4 multiple scans of the horse:

The results I found were satisfactory as the Webcam Logetech9000 has the limit... To get more fine details I have to do:
1- To get expensive CCD Monochrome camera
2- To get fine green line laser that should be focusable

The thinner the line the more details we can get.

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